Thursday, November 15, 2007

I love my kids!

About the photos - Jackson and Greg decided to wear mine and Brett's shoes outside before church one Sunday morning so I took a photo out my bedroom window- silly kids. And the other is Easter of '06 - old photo I know, but aren't they cute?

So, posting every week isn't happening right now. Oh, well. We are just surviving life one day at a time. All the boys had a weird bug this past week where they got a fever and felt yucky for about 24 hours then felt fine. Don't worry, I am not complaining. I wish every time they were sick it was that easy. Sadie is in Basketball right now and loving it. At her game this past Saturday she made a basket (first time in a game). She isn't very aggressive yet so the coach yelled to her to just take it in to the basket and shoot, so she did. She was so excited! She just turned 10 in October and I can't believe how fast she is growing! And with how fast time seems to by flying by, pretty soon she will be dating and then graduating then going off to college! OK, I am getting ahead of myself, but it does seem like that sometimes. When the twins were little and I would go into public with all four kids, grandmas would come up to me and say, "Oh, enjoy this time. These are the best days of your life." And I would be thinking, "Are you insane? I want to sell them half the time and you think this is great?" Well, now that I don't feel like selling them on a daily basis, and they are getting pretty fun, I realize that this is the time when they believe everything we tell them. This is the time when we as parents actually have a big influence on what they do and what they learn and believe. This is the time when they want to hug and kiss us and be sung to at bed time. This is the time when mom and dad are bigger heroes than Spiderman! (OK, that may be stretching it a bit) Point being though, I love my kids and am trying, despite being busy with school, to be that mom who is enjoying it. So that someday I won't feel the urge to tell a young mother to enjoy it because I feel guilty that I didn't.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Sorry for spelling

I just have to post an apology for not doing spell check on my last post. I was putting it together when I had a minute before the kids came home from school and was going pretty fast. Have fun!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween! Oh cursed Day! :)

So, here I am, starting a blog, and I figure that Halloween would be a pretty good time to start since there will be photos to share. Yesterday was the cursed day. I say that because unfortunately for my kids sake, I am a halloween scrouge. I know, boo all you like, I just have a hard time getting into it. I think in the past (like when the twins were toddlers) Halloween was only good for me because it meant that Brett would take the kids out, while I stayed home and handed out candy (a quiete house was hard to come by in those days). But now it just seems like one more thing to stress me out. I know it is because school has kept me so busy, I wasn't able to help my kids with their costumes (they all got bottom of the barrel store bought ones, except Sadie who was thrilled to be a cheerleader in my old uniform). Cody got a ninja costume that didn't have mask or belt or sword, Jackson got to be Spiderman and Greg (as he is now being called) was a knight. The amazing thing was that they had a blast, despite mommy being embarrased at her ragamuffin kids, they thought it was so cool to be in a "store bought" costume. Isn't that funny. We moms are so worried that the other moms will look down on us because our kids aren't in one of a kind, made from scratch, homemade costume, that we actually think the kids are going to care! Anyway, the night went well. We went out to several friends who live out in the boonies and don't get any trick-or-treaters and are always thrilled to have us come. And then we crused around to our nieghbors that we know. All in all, we had a good time, the kids got a ton of candy (and as I am going to be a dental hygienist, I am like the toothbrushing natzi after they eat candy). I feel sorry for the teachers at the elementary school though. I was in volunteering today, and all the kids are just tired, and wiggly and none of them want to be at school.